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Bitly link performance in past 6 months

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Asked 35 times
Is this bitly link still a hit? How many clicks does this link received in the past 6 months? Am I doing better than my competitor? We collected all bitly links performance from bitly.com and convert them into infographics.

Sample Answer

Why do I need this answer?

Bit.ly is a popular tool nowadays. Marketers use bit.ly for shortening URL while posting on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. They transform longer URLs into links that never exceed 20 characters. When marketers use bit.ly, they can efficiently manage the links, track and compile click data.

Most of the bit.ly is used on campaigns. You may see how the link perform in 6 months from the create date.

What can you get?

  • Total number of clicks for this bit.ly for first 6 months since creation
  • Number of clicks where your customers are coming from for first 6 months since creation
  • Number of clicks acquired from different locations for first 6 months since creation

How does the answer help?

  • Spontaneous find out if the link is performing good or not
  • Track competitors’ campaigns performance for setting your own strategy
  • Take measures to improve your own social campaigns
  • Understand what interests your target customers
  • Helps you better create more targeted content

How does it work?

We will analyze and convert the performance of the bitly.com links into infographics. Performance is based on data collected for the first 6 months since creation.


Step 1:
Bitly URL
Bitly URL

About the Creators


Customer Ratings & Reviews

2 ratings

結果好易睇,一眼就明,又唔需要咩技術,好岩d new entrance
2020-04-13 08:54
good to use track bitly traffic!
2020-04-13 02:33
結果好易睇,一眼就明,又唔需要咩技術,好岩d new entrance
2020-04-13 08:54
good to use track bitly traffic!
2020-04-13 02:33
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